U.S. researchers have developed a technology of storage in three dimensions that will make it possible in the future 100 TB of storage capacity hard disks.
Waiting let advanced technologies such as HAMR (Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording) or 'heat-assisted magnetic recording' obsolete, current techniques based on perpendicular magnetic recording, allowing capacities up to 60 TB, we get information of innovative research that will exceed the 100 Tbytes.
It's a new kind of dish's hard drive which allows writing and reading magnetic data in three dimensions. In essence, instead of having a single magnetic layer, the new album has three layers. If in a conventional hard drive tray, each layer stores a single bit, on the model of the University of Florida researchers, each layer can hold up to eight data bits.
This model of multi-layer 3D recording uses a special reading head to measure the sum of magnetic fields and achieve spectacular 100 Tbytes or higher storage capacities. From lab to our computers, there is a very long journey, but research continues to leave remembering the 4 current T bytes.
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