Thursday 8 August 2013

Windows 8 Secure Boot, hacked details released in a Conference hacker Black Hat

Security researchers have shown in the Conference hacker Black Hat, two vulnerabilities in Windows 8 Secure Boot that could allow bypass the safe boot proposed by Microsoft in the new OS System.

As you know, the new UEFI system basic input/output that provides communication of low level at the start of the computer equipment and that it will end the reign of BIOS, includes a 'safe start system' known as Windows 8 Secure Boot, imposed by Microsoft for new computers with Windows 8.

Although Microsoft focuses on it as a security measure since it obliges signing the firmware and software protecting the startup process of Windows 8, the system became mired in controversy already impidi to install other operating systems not prepared to do so, such as Linux.

And precisely when this aspect is being resolved with the UEFI Secure Boot System by the Linux Foundation publication, information comes from Black Hat Windows 8 Secure Boot 'hack'.

A hack not because of vulnerabilities direct in safe boot configuration, but by mistakes made by the manufacturers of original equipment OEM in the own UEFI implementation.

In this way, researchers managed to install a boot' rootkit' on a laptop ASUS VivoBook Q200E eluding the safe boot. The second vulnerability demonstrated by researchers running in user mode, which means that an attacker would only have to obtain the code execution rights on the system by exploiting one of the multiple vulnerabilities in an application like Adobe Flash or Java to circumvent the Windows 8 Secure Boot.

Specific details of these two formulas have not offered to bypass the safe boot. An investigation that has been moved to Microsoft and the affected companies.

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