Thursday 8 August 2013

Valve is cooking Left 4 Dead 3 and 2 Source engine

A visit by members of the section of Reddit devoted to Dota 2 Valve offices has resulted in a very interesting information, thanks to the keen eye of one of the invited players who was able to capture the second image that accompanies the news.

This image shows an internal conversation between employees of the well-known company, where a clear and explicit reference to Left 4 Dead 3 and expected motor Source 2 is made. It is virtually confirmed that this engine will give life to the third installment of the franchise "crushing zombies" valve and both game and engine, they are developing.

That said we can say almost without fear of mistakes that the jewel in the Crown of Valve, Half Life 3, will be also making use of Source 2. We can not finish without point out one thing, and it is that it is quite likely that Left 4 Dead 3 is the title chosen by Valve to show to the world the benefits of Source 2.

What can we do, those who look forward to the third part of Half Life will have to wait. 

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