Monday 26 August 2013

How to use Flash SSD drives ? , How to use an SSD options ?, How to connect a flash drive to install Windows ?, how to Clone the OS to SSD disk partition ? , how to Re-aligned of SSD disk sectors ?

Connect and add a SSD hard drive to PC, advantages and benefits

Improvements that can bring us to use a solid state disk on the computer for the operating system, use it to increase the speed and performance of Windows. Characteristics and properties of the SSD. How to clone or move the operating system to an SSD without having to re-install Windows.

The new solid state hard drives, known by the acronym SSD are still little known by users.
As everything new always cause suspicion, in this case accentuated by the high price in the market, it brings with it that are still very little used to add them to a PC.
However you must know that use one of these discs in the team can bring a huge performance improvement.
Low relative storage capacity is more than enough for use with the operating system.
This simple article summarizes its main features, the advantages of using them, and the different ways in which we can use in a PC or Laptop. 

Who are the Flash SSD drives?

The SSD (Solid State Drive) hard drives are hard drives that do not use any mechanical system, the most modern used memory NAND as single storage system, somewhat similar to the chips used in the RAM memories, but not volatile.
They use the same type of connection of traditional hard drives, so it is rather easy to connect them and install them.
They are available in various sizes: 3.5-inch, 2.5-inch and 1.8-inch connections miniPCIe or SATA, this last type of connection is most often used.

There are also hard drives that combine both technologies, are known as hybrid discs, but those are not those who deal in this article.

Do use an SSD advantages we offer?

SSD drives have some characteristics that make them overcome traditional drives, the most significant are the following:
✓ Higher transfer rate.
In traditional hard drives maximum transfer rates only reach when copying large files, tasks that are performed rarely.
Disk SSD is similar in small files, which, ultimately, is that the system is constantly writing and reading, logically brings higher performance.
✓ Lower latency.
Latency is the time or interval that elapses from the read or write order is received, until the information is read or written.
It is between only some SSDS, compared the 10-12 milliseconds more than traditional hard drives.

Benefits and improvements that brings an SSD

• Boot faster, only will be sufficient for few seconds.• Put the team in a State of Suspension and start it will be almost instantaneous.• Faster reading, more than 10 times longer than traditional hard drives.• Lower latency in reading and writing, hundreds of times faster than traditional drives.• Improvement in the operation of the programs, games and any application.• Lower energy consumption, in the portable battery will last much longer.• Lower heat generation.• Practically operate without any vibration or noise.• Lower weight and size than a traditional hard drive.• Best small hits and magnetism resistance, support drops, shock and vibration without damage and without decalibrate.

How to use an SSD options ?

We can use a disk of solid state in several ways:

➔ On a PC's desktop and use it only for the operating system, the improvement in performance and speed will be enormous.➔ On a PC's desktop to install it and use it as a RAM drive.➔ In a Laptop or Netbook replace traditional disc that includes.It is an excellent option in one of these devices that already have time to use and has few benefits of hardware such as memory, in that case will work as a team's latest model.➔ On a Laptop connect it internally to the connection of the DVD player and use it as primary disk with the system using the original hard drive as a secondary drive, which will allow having more performance and greater capacity.

How to connect a flash drive to install Windows

To use a disc SSD on the PC for the operating system follow these steps:
• Connect with the equipment completely off to an available SATA connector.
• Connect the power cord.
• Turn on the computer and press the key of the or del to enter the Setup of the computer.
• In the devices tab check if the disk is in a primary SATA channel, if it is not thus shut down and plug it into another entry.
• Start Windows Setup from the DVD, USB or a local folder.
• At the end of the installation of the system enters the Setup and configure the drive as the first device in the boot.

How to use a flash drive as RAM unit

If you do not want to install Windows on one of these disks can use it as RAM unit that will accelerate considerably the system and programs.
For that it is necessary to install an application like RAMDISK which is free.
After configuring it can use the unit created for the paging file virtual memory, temporary files of Windows, the internet, etc. But this will be for a future article.

Move the operating system to an SSD without reinstall Windows

If we encourage us to install a new SSD drive on the computer we can clone the OS and thus avoid having to reinstall Windows.
There are several utilities available on the internet to do the cloning.
We recommend Clonezilla, is a Live CD based on Linux that allows you to boot the computer from the disk and do the cloning.
Official website provides instructions for installing a CD/DVD or even a USB drive.
Download it free at:
Before cloning is necessary as precautionary measure make a backup and make sure that the SSD hard drive is equal or larger than the original partition.
Then it is necessary to realign the SSD disk sectors.

Re-aligned of SSD disk sectors
This operation is extremely important as we assure that the unit will operate properly. It is necessary to re-align the blade to 1024.
For that, do the following:
Open CMD console and enter the following commands, pressing Enter after each one:
list disk
select disk X
create partition primary align = 1024
X is the number of a digit that it identifies your SSD drive in the list displayed.
To ensure that the operation has been successful again introduce:
list disk
select disk X
list partition
You should get a result similar to the following:
Partition 1 main 30 GB 1024 KB

Clone the OS to SSD disk partition

✓ Start the computer from the Live CD or USB drive.✓ the option selected: device-device✓ In copy mode select: Beginner mode or beginner mode✓ On the next screen select: local disk to disk✓ In the next step select the two devices: the HDD as the source and the SDD as a destination.

At the end of the cloning process we disconnect the hard drive and started the team.
In the event of any conflict, we can restore the MBR using the same disk Live CD or the Windows disk. 

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