Sunday 25 August 2013

How to choose a graphic card a small note up that's it

That will not fool you: keys to know how to choose a graphics card:

There are many people when choosing a new graphics card are quite lost, not only because of the wide variety and numerous classifications and names which are, but also by the unethical practices that use both sellers and manufacturers. To sample a button: a GTX 460 1 GB is better than a GTX 650 2 GB, despite the second mating more memory than the first and is "two generations" above.

The example that I have left in the first paragraph sums up a very common practice in supermarkets and other retail stores: "look, this team assembles a graphics card with 2 GB!". The tendency to think that more memory equals something better is a big mistake which, unfortunately, is hurting the most inexperienced buyers. But not only matter the amount of memory, also matter type of memory...

In (computer support technician support) we are aware of how difficult the choice of a new graphics card can be, and that is why we have prepared this guide, where we will give them the basic keys that you must take into account to choose wisely.

1 - Think what you are going to give.

The first thing that we give take into account is what we want the graphics card. If only we will use to watch videos any card of low range that does not pass the 30 euros is enough for us. On the contrary, if we want it to play at a good level will need a medium or high range which means a jump to 150-200 dollars.

2-Names and ranges.

The nomenclature of a graphics card indicates important things, both in the case of AMD and NVIDIA's. Thus, and as examples, a HD 7850 translates thus: 7 is the generation or series, the 8 range, higher is better, and 5 the position within the range to which it belongs, so equal that we aim above, higher, better. Another example, now with NVIDIA: the GTX 780 7 indicates the generation and the 8 range, higher better.

Key: If the second digit, which indicates the range is too low, it means that we we have a graphics card that offers a pretty loose performance.


Today both companies offer nearly identical performance and are good choices. We will not enter into complicated comparative, say only that both NVIDIA and AMD have optimized games where the differences between them are more accused, as for example Battlefield 3 in the case of the Green, so we opted not us plane by one or the other.

Tags: both companies offer excellent and very capable products.

4 - More memory is not synonymous with best.

A common mistake among novice users. A low range with 2 GB RAM card will be much worse than a mid-range with 512 MB of RAM. Why? Because what matters are other things, like the processors of flow or shaders, the memory bus, units of texturing, etc.

Tags: when buying a graphics card we should look at the range to which it belongs. This tells it us, as we noted, the second digit in the name of the card. Thus, for example, if offer a 650 GTX with 2 GB and a 660 GTX with 1 GB and you look at the second number we know that the second is superior.

5 - The type of memory care.

Without a doubt. If for example offer a 7770 HD with 1 GB of GDDR5 and another 7770 HD with 2 GB of DDR3 comes a dilemma for more than one, especially because the second is cheaper than the first. Despite what seems at first glance what is important is not, once again, the quantity but the quality. GDDR5 memory is much faster than the DDR3, resulting in increased performance in games. On the other hand the current games only use more than 1 GB higher than the 1080 p resolutions. Such resolutions are reserved to the most powerful cards, the high-end, so buy a card of medium or low range with more than 1 GB of memory is completely absurd.

Tags: the fact that a graphics card Monte GDDR5 memories is currently synonymous with acceptable performance.

6 - The importance of the memory bus.

The presence of a 64-bit memory bus indicates that it is a low-end graphics card and it doesn't have to play. If you have 128-bit and assemble GDDR5 memories it's a card that delivers acceptable performance. If on the contrary you ride a 256-bit bus or is more a product of medium or high, very capable range.

Tags: in the case of the memory bus more if is better.

7 - Hard nobody gives four pesetas.

In effect. If we are told that a graphics card has 2 GB and is "very good" but very little slope we are bundling.

Tags: while it is possible to find offers the power and performance pay, if something costs little it will yield very little.

If we consider these seven points we will have it easier when it comes to know how to choose a graphic card and avoid that ripped us off. We have tried to make it as easy and simple as possible, but if you have any questions we invite you to exhibit it in the comments. 

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