Sunday 16 March 2014

Download Beta VLC Player for Winodws - 8 & Windows 8 RT

VLC now available for Windows 8 one of the best multimedia players has finally come to Windows 8 and Windows 8 RT. A few hours ago that they have posted on the official blog announcing a beta version, but perfectly functional.

VLC for Windows 8 development has been paid thanks to a round of funding on Kickstarter that got nearly $80,000. The application is tailored to the interface ModernUI that characterized the new generation of Windows and can be downloaded directly from the app store.

The usual VLC in other systems notice less fluid than usual operation and some minor problems to work with subtitles, while taking into account that we are talking about a beta, developers work is more than notable. A year later, Windows 8 users can now enjoy great VLC. this is given in VLC's one of the blogpost

Today, the first Beta of VLC for WinRT is getting deployed on the store.
As many of you know, the road to come to this point has been long... Very long.
I've been driving or helping some ports of VLC on mobile, but this port has been the hardest, by an order of magnitude.
I'll speak a bit more about the lateness of this port, another time. Today, I'll introduce a bit to this application.


This application, version 0.2.0, is a BETA stage of the port of libVLC on WinRT. WinRT is the runtime of Windows 8/8.1 Metro/ModernUI, Windows Phone 8 and Xbox 1.
As this is a beta, some features are still not perfectly stable, but we are working on that. We thought we should share it with the users, so that people could test and help us.
This application:
  • works on Windows 8.0 and 8.1: too many people are still on 8.0, so we had to use that. This decreases the stability of the application, though...
  • is compiled for Intel x86 CPUs: Windows RT version will follow as soon as we are able to compile it. ARM version will also apply to Windows Phone.
  • plays all video and audio formats of VLC, including MKV, Ogg and Mov files or FLAC and MPC;
  • supports the same codecs as the VLC application for desktop, from MPEG-1 to H.265, through WMV3 and VC-1;
  • supports multiple-audio tracks selection;
  • supports embedded subtitles;
  • supports Background Audio playback;
  • features a easy-to-navigate but complete UI, notably for audio browsing;
  • supports Live Tiles!
  • supports removable storage and DLNA servers.
However, there are a few limitations:
  • This app is currently slow, and is slower than VLC for desktop for video decoding and has no hardware acceleration;
  • Subtitles support is not very good yet, and notably it only supports embedded subtitles; this is our major point of focus for now.
  • Audio does not seem to work in all configurations;
  • Playlists and streams are not supported in the UI (they are present in the core)
  • It's clearly not as stable as it should be.
We are working on all those points, but notably on subtitles and audio quality and stability. Since we now have a release, it will be easier to do releases quite often, as soon as we can.
We also have longer terms goal to work on, and we'll share them when we know more :)
We hope you like this application, and if you don't, we'll fix that soon :) 

Download :

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