Wednesday 15 January 2014

Windows 9 rumors about to launch amd it's price issue to ... i am not pretending this is true . but it was also one of rummer like i posted about haswell and PRISM

Rumors about Windows 9 come and go, but today we echo of an information from Paul Thurott, a source of confidence that ensures that Windows 9 "Treshold" will be announced in April of this year, being the Microsoft Conference BUILD the chosen scenario.

This new version of the well-known Microsoft operating system will bring significant improvements with respect to Windows 8, among which we can name "truth" lap of the button home and changes on the interface.

On the other hand the Redmond also were immersed in the development of a unique platform on which to converge Windows Phone and Windows RT, as well as an app store unified for Xbox, Windows Phone and Windows.

Could be the final name of this new version of Microsoft's operating system Windows 9? Everything seems to point to that, and that with that name the Redmond giant would want to move away from the bad reviews given to Windows 8 and avoid, therefore, which may adversely affect its sales.

In short, Microsoft committed to a unification of platforms and application store, where will

Windows 9 could be the first operating system Microsoft offered free of charge, at least for OEM original equipment manufacturers.

The first details of Windows 9 are already appearing in the network and while media and users discuss changes in the interface as the return menu home, development options with the possible unification of Windows 8, Windows Phone and Windows RT, or launch date, Microsoft have another issue on the table for discussion: the price.

Price to be reduced from the current $40 a OEM license to 10-30 dollars in concessions that are only the beginning toward the total free, according to analysts:

"Today, when the global operating system market is observed (mobile / Tablet / PC), Microsoft is the only provider that charges explicitly by the operating system." We believe that this could prove unsustainable in the coming years, which will force Microsoft to lower the price of the system and obtain economic benefits for use/support through various methods, depending on the final customer. We believe that this is the biggest new challenge CEO of Microsoft will face in the coming years."

"In the medium and long term, we believe that Microsoft will be forced to follow Apple and Google and give away the operating system, especially in the consumer market, and use services like Bing, Skype, Office 365, etc, as primary monetization engine."

Total free Windows? Like? Supporting its forecast, the analyst makes reference to some aspects that have happened the last year and which can force total free Windows such as the arrival of Google on the PC with the operating system Chrome OS cloud; to the fact that Apple is not charged for the latest versions of Mac OS X; to boost computing in the hands of mobile systems with Android and iOS at the head or the arrival to the market of computers with dual operating system Windows-Android. A WinDroid promoted even by the main ally of Microsoft in the last two decades: Intel.

What do you think? Is it free Windows 9?

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