Monday 2 December 2013

4.4 Android negatively affects the performance of the Nexus 7

The new chocolate-flavored Android is now available for the latest Google Nexus devices, although apparently this version is accompanied by some problems.

According to a study by OptoFidelity Android 4.4 it negatively affects the performance of the Nexus 7, 2012 model as well as the 2013, being especially notable thing in HD video playback.

Thus, as we can see in the images, to play video at 720 p and 1080 p on both tablets performance is much better under Android 4.3 to 4.4 Android

The study concludes that the performance of both tablets with Android 4.4 arrived to drop in some cases to such a level that it was "unsatisfactory".

Meanwhile from TechCrunch, they ensure that this loss of performance is also visible in the interface of the operating system, where the animations are, for example, much less fluid.

At the moment we can only wait and see what says Google on the subject, although if you have a Nexus 7 perhaps you should wait a bit before upgrading to Android 4.4 KitKat.

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