Wednesday 9 October 2013

Five problems of Linux on the desktop.. I think you noticed

There are multiple more or less brainy analyses that attempt to respond to the market share of Linux on desktop systems, very low considering the quality of your code and the great acceptance of the set free in other technology sectors.

Problem of Linux on the desktop that contrasts with the situation of the system in other technological fields. Linux Supercomputing sweeps with 94 per cent of market share and has an estimable bottom-up presence in servers. It dominates in smartphones with Android as a protagonist and a good number of systems back as Tizen, Firefox OS or Ubuntu Mobile.

In terms of its presence in embedded it is essential to give output to the world market and in the tablet sector, Android surpassed in the second quarter of 2012 to Apple in market share, the first time that this happens since the launch of the first iPad.

Why not going to the computer desktop?

Linux-based operating systems added a market share on the desktop that does not reach 1 percent against Windows in the sector with 90 per cent and the share delMac OS X from Apple that is around 8 percent.

The explanation to this share of Linux is not simple though from betanews, a usual editor Linux user, attempts to bring to the debate the five major issues that he considers penalize the market share of the system.

5. The different desktop managers lead to a fragmented experience

A section is vital because it is the set of software that provides the graphical user interface and multiple functions that allow you to interact easily with the team.

In Linux, as well as Gnome and KDE which disputed mastery of desktop managers, there are other few like XFCE, CDE, LXDE, Unity, Cinnamon, that too often 'war' between them dividing the community into a sort of tribal identity that does not lead to anything, indicates the editor.

Although in the "variety is the spice" and this choice is the essence of this free system, for a not well versed user leads to a lack of familiarity and experience that penalizes the increase in use. A screenshot of OS X or Windows is immediately recognizable and countless desktop Linux computers? Not so much, he says.

4. Too many Linux package managers make difficult their learning

Many newbies to Linux start with Ubuntu, turned into the most popular GNU/Linux distribution. In the command line interface (powerful Linux and offers total access and control equipment), these users will learn the apt package manager commands, since it is used Ubuntu.

Unfortunately, these new Linux users think that apt is the only package manager. There are many other managers such as dpkg, YUM, Pacman or the base RPM. Although generally the software is delivered in repositories that facilitate the task, these packages managers use various scripting that can be confusing when the user try other distribution.

3 Lack of software

It is a sensitive issue because the more purist of Linux are running wonderful alternatives to large developments in Windows and Mac (Gimp to Photoshop or OpenOffice for Microsoft Office) which can be used for basic use, this alternative software may not be valid. Examples such as professional video editing is an example of the lack of Linux software, according to betenews.

Beyond professional applications, the video games section is another big problem. Exceptions are counted native games for Linux despite run games Windows Linux emulators or on digital platforms like Steam where Valve is betting Yes on platform Linux though is not going very well.

2. Hardware compatibility

Although the hardware support for Linux has advanced a lot, this section is still punishing the free system and too many are devices not supported, not only for drivers but by the lack of specific software for the same.

This minor with respect to Windows or Mac hardware compatibility is attributable in large part to the manufacturers themselves. The low market share of Linux called not to develop for the system, and this lack of development a penalty use in a vicious circle.

1 Linus Torvalds is deadly

Finnish software engineer is the creator of the Linux kernel. A gigantic project that exceeds the 17 million lines of code and which was attended by almost 10,000 developers of 1,000 different companies and in which all distributions are based.

However, Torvalds is the absolute owner as the primary maintainer of the kernel. His intelligence and skill is comparable for his behavior bizarre and controversial, with examples as insults to the kernel developers or NVIDIA, they say.

Although obviously without Linux would not exist, Torvalds is both a gift and a curse for the Linux community, they point out, wondering by what will happen when you do not want or you can continue with the project and the ability of his successor to lead a development like this.

How do you see it? Do you think that the diversity of desktop environments or systems packages penalize or part of the value of Linux? What happens without Linus Torvalds? It would be useful to find a guarantor system kernel not so personal? How we convince to OEMs so that they bet on Linux or at least offer it as an option on new equipment? Do you - like us - that this is the real problem and less existing desktop environments?

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