Tuesday 27 August 2013

The iPhone 6 Infinity reviews and small concept view

iPhone 6 Infinity 1 620x465 The iPhone 6 Infinity
This is the all new iPhone 6 Infinity. OK it’s not really, this thing is just completely made up.Claudio Guglieri published this Dribbble shot showing off his new RSS reader – it does look very pretty.
However Fabio Basile (his shot below) actually came up with the name iPhone 6 Infinity. Inspired heavily by Claudio, he created his own iPhone 6 Infinity concept and released a PSD with it. Without realising, he came up with something that would create a flurry of different concepts.
iphone6 The iPhone 6 Infinity
These designs are pretty stunning looking with all the colours and the screen wrapping around the device. But in the real world these would be absolutely awful, how would you hold the damn thing. Nonetheless that’s the fun in designing, coming up with stuff that is completely unconventional to see how crazy you can be.
dribbble angle 2 The iPhone 6 Infinity
flashlight showcase The iPhone 6 Infinity
squarethang The iPhone 6 Infinity
seethrough infinity The iPhone 6 Infinity
showcase friends The iPhone 6 Infinity

iPhone side screen 2 real pixels The iPhone 6 Infinity
untitled 1 The iPhone 6 Infinity

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