Friday 30 August 2013

Samsung and Tesla, a more than possible agreement on Hi-Tech battery

Tesla needs to abandon the exclusivity it has with Panasonic as the sole supplier of batteries if it wants to expand its business. The umpire could be Samsung, a company located in Korea and thus, far from an earthquake zone that could shake up the distribution of this precious component.

Samsung and Tesla, Tesla and Samsung . 'm Sure Panasonic has not done a shred of grace the latest rumor about the future of Tesla. The reason is very clear, Tesla is having a problem with the delivery time Panasonic batteries manufactured exclusively for the Californian manufacturer because the demand for the Model S does nothing but grow and also the imminent arrival of the Model X, one pure electric luxury SUV, may be affected.

Panasonic batteries (referred to as 18650) have been one of the best considered by experts in terms of manufacturing quality, especially durability, resistance to high temperatures and quick recharge Tesla or even the exchange of batteries . But Elon Musk seems not to trust the most precious of their vehicles to a single manufacturer, more so when they give so coarse and a trio from Panasonic, Samsung and Tesla would be very interesting.

To remedy this situation Panasonic has confirmed it will open a new production line in Osaka . In this way Tesla should be more quiet, but it could happen just the opposite. Increase operational costs to meet demand may mean an increase in the price charged by Panasonic for making batteries, something that would not make much grace Musk. A second source is required.

Still, this plant would not be fully operational until the middle of next year and the agreement between Samsung and Tesla would not bear fruit until the end 2014 or early 2015, coinciding with the arrival of the Model X .

Tesla's stock market value is higher than the Fiat group.

Samsung and Tesla can ally to manufacture new batteries is just excellent news for everyone because more competition is usually synonymous with greater creativity, quality and innovation , beyond price. With a second supplier Tesla can stay quiet if one of them fails, delays or decides to raise prices.

The agreement between these two giants Samsung and Tesla is not closed and not improbable that arrived new friends at the heart of Musk For LG, which also has a plant for this purpose and you do not want to miss this opportunity.

These new and future batteries would not be supported because the Model S but may be intended for the imminent arrival of the Model X and Model E. expected Two new models would begin to see the end of next year, the X as a production model and the E as Tesla and Concept Car If you have a problem with one model in their catalog if tripling their presence should make sure it does not fail anything in the manufacturing process .

Tesla's success seems clear and although it has a market value higher than the Fiat group, Elon Musk company has not yet made ​​a profit. It is true that this has not happened because so far are investing much money as possible in the company and because a few months ago wanted to repay the loan they made ​​the U.S. government (U.S. $ 451.8 million plus interest). Anyway, the brand seems to hold a dominant position within the electric car manufacturers and as investors continue to believe in the project will see many Teslas around the world.

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