Saturday 24 August 2013

NVIDIA is preparing GTX 790: a monster with two GK110

An interesting rumor suggests that NVIDIA would be working on a GTX 790, a new graphics card based on the GK110 chip which, as more than one know, gives life to the current GTX 78o and GTX TITAN, two graphics cards more powerful monoGPU that we can currently find in the general consumer market.

Unfortunately information not has materialized beyond of what was said, so it remains to be seen if this hypothetical Dual GPU solution will be based on the full GK110, i.e., the one used in the TITAN, or the cut GK110 riding the GTX 780. Obviously the differences between using one and the other would be quite considerable, not only at the level of performance but also in determining the final price of the card.

As a result there is no doubt that a based on two full GK110 790 GTX would provide a really impressive performance, but his price would be extremely high.

With respect to the GTX 800, known as Maxwell, comments that they could see the light during the first quarter of 2014. This generation will be the first to integrate, in theory, an ARM CPU support, which would be a major breakthrough to reduce dependence on the main CPU

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