Tuesday 6 August 2013

Differences between a WordPress blog and one on Blogger with a detailed view of Advantages,disadvantages,benifits

Advantages, benefits, disadvantages, and characteristics of the two main free web publishing services. Useful comparison for which need to decide before you begin to post content on the internet. Find out which of them is easier and more advantageous to create a blog.

Many readers write to request information that will help them decide before creating a blog of your own, which begin to publish content on the internet.
There are several online platforms that allow you to have a blog in a way free, but undoubtedly the main are two: Blogger and WordPress (free service).
In either of the two, it is possible to create a blog with which you can reach a large group of people interested in a specific topic.
The two enjoy authority, respect, stability and without any fear can be used to bring and share our ideas and knowledge.
You should compare the two services since they have goals and they are dedicated to different users, only wish to highlight the differences that can help readers to decide platform use, according to what you think and the way that you want to publish.
We will try to present them in a simple way, so that everyone can understand them. 

WordPress.com is a free publishing platform whose owner is the company Automattic.
You can create one or more blogs using a valid email address


Blogger (also known as Blogspot) is the platform for free publication on Google.com.
You can create one or more blogs with the only requirement of having an account in Google

our Blogger link :-» Techno world ◄ 

V/s Blogger WordPress

WordPress, features

WordPress free version, is publishing preferred by users demanding, with advanced knowledge, but do not have financial resources to use the paid version or install Wordpress on own server.
WordPress has a huge number of partners and professionals who give their contribution in the form of plugins, extensions, scripts, widgets, etc. useful to add functionality to a blog created on this platform and keep it updated with the latest changes on the network.
It is a more complete but more complex platform.
The service is free, but to the extent that a blog becomes popular, we'll realize that we need to pay to be able to continue to make progress.

Advantages of a blog in WordPress

• Has a huge community in the blogosphere, where to promote the post published.
• The software is free and open source.
• It is possible to order the post by categories, sub-categories and Tags (labels).
• Possible readers subscribing to receive the posts published by email.
• Easily add forms.
• Moderation, editing comments and Akismet spam protection.
• You can import blogs from Blogger and other platforms.
• Allows communication between other blogs (Trackback, Pingback, etc) tools.

Disadvantages of a blog in WordPress

• Offer lots of templates, but cannot edit or transform.
• Do not have access to the vast amount of Plugins.
• Do not allowed to add any advertising, but if the company announcements are displayed on our blog. If you want, that their advertising is not displayed, you must pay $ 29.97 a year.
• Only have 3 GB of accommodation for images, if want to increase the amount of space, the price is excessive: 5 Gb more cost $ 19.97 a year.
• For those who are interested in using the created blog, as a reference to a website auxiliary tool, cannot create links because there is a danger that is considered blog spam and the account is suspended.
• Regularly confronts several security problems. If a blog is hacked, you can insert spam and malware from what will be penalized by Google.

Blogger, features

It is the preferred platform for amateurs with little or no technical knowledge, by the creation of the post and publishing facility.
It is ideal for publishing information, news or news fast and colorful, within reach of any average user. Create a blog and set it only takes a few minutes.
Everything is free.

Advantages of a blog on Blogger

• You can choose from several templates or customize totally any of them, without knowing anything about HTML or code.
• They have templates specifically for portable devices (tablets and mobile phones).
• Published pages it are best positioned in search (SEO positioning), using as Google search engine. 
• There is more possibility of obtaining or raise the value of the PageRank.
• The images published in the pages are more likely to appear in Google images results.
• Blogger with Google + social network integration and other Google services, offers greater visibility to content.
• Google toolbar lets with: "Blog This!" post entries directly to our blog.
• The possibility of using "Google guidelines" or brand of authorship, which let users in the results of searches in Google, know that we are authors recognized by the search engine, gives us much authority and relevance.
• Integration with Google Analytics for detailed statistics.
• No restrictions to serve ads, even for companies like Amazon (Amazon Associates) to generate revenue.
• You can insert AdSense advertising and earn money if our publications attract enough visitors.
• You can directly insert videos posted on YouTube, either using our Google account or providing the link to the video.
• You can insert into the post any number of trackbacks to external sites.
• Include various Widgets to integrate functions needed in the blog, they are very easy to add, with the clear explanation of the use of each one.
• It is possible to insert any Javascript code, using the Editor.
• May publish from mobile phones through text messages.
• It is possible to publish using "Windows Live Writer", included in the package and free application: Microsoft Windows Live.

Disadvantages of a blog on Blogger

• Received enough spam in the comments, so it is necessary to enable the prior approval in configuration.
• The default skin gives less image of professionalism.
• Only have 1 GB of accommodation for images shared with the Picasa Web albums service, which can be increased to 20 additional Gb for 5$ per year.
• It is possible to add forms to not be using third party utilities.

Differences between WordPress.com and 

WordPress.org, WordPress

The three terms should not be confused.
✓ WordPress.com is a blogging service and web hosting free but with limited resources.
✓ WordPress is an open source software and open source to install an own web server or a hosting service that provides accommodation.
✓ WordPress.org provides free software to install on a server, also sells own domain names and offers accommodation of payment services.

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Thanx for all your Feedback .... and don't post to promote your site's ...

I kept the option as Comment moderation mode. So if you try to promote your site from here.. I do delete your comment's ..