Tuesday 6 August 2013

Blue screen STOP errors in Windows 8 and a bug detailes for windows 8

The blockades and STOP errors or screen of death in Windows 8

Blue screen errors more frequent in Windows 8, a brief description, its cause and how to solve them. Measures and some solutions to stop receiving these annoying errors. Lack of compatibility with the new operating system from previous teams. Devices that cause more errors.

The dreaded blue screen errors or screen of death errors can receive them on any computer using any version of Windows, but those who installed Windows 8 on a computer that used an earlier operating system on any computer that is not technically up-to-date, can receive them much more frequently.
More than 40% of which it installed Windows 8 reported receiving more than one of these annoying errors.
Many of these avalanches of errors are due to the characteristics of Windows 8.
Unlike previous operating systems and Windows 7 Windows 8 introduces new features aimed not classical Laptops or desktop computers, but as tablets and mobile phones portable devices.
Although it's compatibility, always affects many computers, mainly whose hardware is not very recent.
On the other hand many of the manufacturers of hardware (mainly base plates) not released updates for Windows 8, with the intent to cause the sale and marketing of their new offerings, more recent and sophisticated.
Some people after receiving errors due to incompatibility of your computer constantly and have searched in vain for the hardware and devices, updates have desisted from Windows 8 and returned to the previous Windows 7. 

Blue screen STOP errors in Windows 8

STOP or "Bug Check Code" errors happen when Windows detects serious errors in the operation of the equipment and orders an immediate reboot as protection.
It will briefly display a blue background with a sad face and icon a message that includes an error code.

If the user needs to know the cause of the error, you have to install specific programs to analyze the file of created error.

There are a lot of possible errors, you can see the complete list on another page: all Windows error codes

We have personally checked on dozens of computers reviewed by the author, that the more common in Windows 8 are as follows:

Cause it sent drivers improper requests for interruption of devices (IRQL) to the CPU. It usually occurs after the installation of devices or programs that need access to any of them. It also occurs with many anti-virus programs.

Errors of the CPU to execute a statement in the Windows kernel. Sometimes simply is it due to errors in connection to the motherboard's CPU or other devices, due to dirt or sulfation of contacts.

Invalid memory reference. It usually occurs in the home after installing or connecting new devices. Also services created by newly-installed applications.

Drivers trying to access memory paged unduly.

When the Windows kernel detected an illegal or unknown process and the error cannot be identified. Can be various causes such as drivers, firmware, hardware, BIOS errors

Usually drivers that make incorrect operations of writing or reading in the table (NFP) memory management. Is it solved by identifying them and updating them.

Problems with the administration of virtual memory or paging files.

0x00000019 - BAD_POOL_HEADER
It usually appears with any program or application that does not work well with Windows, also indicates conflicts with USB drivers.

The most frequent causes of the errors STOP in Windows 8

• BIOS and Chipsets are not properly updated to configure devices connected to the motherboard and Windows can use them properly.
• Improper configuration of the equipment.
• Total incompatibility of the computer hardware (motherboard) without the possibility to update the drivers.
• Errors on your hard disk.
• Errors in physical memory (RAM).
• The operating system files damaged due to other causes (faults in the supply of energy, virus, etc.).
• Programs and non-compatible applications.
• Little space in the unit where they are paging files (pagefile.sys), hibernation (hiberfil.sys) and Exchange (swapfile.sys).
• Lack of maintenance of equipment. 

Some of the solutions to stop receiving blue screen errors

It is almost impossible to create a list with solutions for all the teams, due to the possibility of errors.
The following measures are that have resolved conflicts in teams mentioned above.
If you have questions use the links to other pages on this site with more information.

✓ Update the BIOS on the motherboard.
✓ Update the motherboard Chipset drivers.
✓ Update the drivers of the devices connected to the computer.
✓ Disable in the BIOS options "caching" or "shadowing", used to copy to RAM BIOS at startup.
✓ Check and repair errors on the hard disk.
✓ Check and check the RAM, replace it if necessary.
✓ Start the computer in safe mode and uninstall incompatible programs.
✓ Check with SFC State of the system files and replace defective ones.
✓ Install updates from Windows Update for Windows.

Errors due to the quick start in Windows 8

Many errors can be avoided on some computers that use Windows 8 simply by disabling the function of "Quick start".
In Windows 8 unlike previous operating systems, to shut down the computer and restart it it reads data stored in the hibernation file, to achieve a faster boot.
This on many computers causes disorders, STOP errors on boot and it is impossible to resume from a suspend state.

It is also possible to completely disable hibernation on desktop computers and check STOP errors that occur immediately after Windows startup can be solved that way. 

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