Monday 29 July 2013

Panda Cloud Antivirus, a great alternative to protect your PC from recent Technologys of build up with Cloud computing process

 Antivirus. For a long time, in the computer world, that Word has meant Windows. Now things are different. However, antivirus and Windows continues to be an irresistible combination, and is the operating system of Microsoft, despite having improved a lot on security, still needs this kind of protections.

Thus, one of the tasks of any Windows user is the choose a solution among the many available antivirus. At this point, the fear for someone like me, who had been many years without using Windows directly, was the memory of what were the antivirus on the half of the last decade: neighborhood thugs. I.e. these mafias that extort businessmen in Exchange for protection.

Then, as now, have an antivirus installed on your computer was a basic requirement to be "sure"; antivirus were then, like vampires, who sucked the resources your team until exhausted. Norton, Panda, Kaspersky, McAfee... No matter the name, all were vital and insufferable session mates.

Fortunately things have changed a lot, the manufacturers have realized that a good protection need not be obstacle for optimal performance of the machine and use Windows today is much more 'breathable' than before. So, what antivirus choose?

The truth is, even having changed things, if you want to save resources without dispense with the best protection, there is still room for choice. The first option would be the 'default', Microsoft Security Essentials, Microsoft Windows Defender in Windows 8: free, perfectly integrated into the system and lighter will not find anything. But at the level of protection and features, it remains unable to compete in the major league. In fact - and only talking about Microsoft Windows Defender - recently that, finally, managed to pass the certification of the independent company AV-Test.

From here the offer is wide, both paid and free solutions. Of all, I I have opted for giving him the opportunity to an old vampire turned into an angel: Panda Cloud Antivirus. It is not an exaggerated comparison if you don't get the context: Panda Cloud Antivirus is, after the development of Microsoft, the lighter option of few I have tested among others, even during analysis, it is darn easy to use and do not need to update definitions every few minutes. These and other features are what make Panda Cloud antivirus an alternative to keep in mind.

Panda Cloud antivirus cloud                

As does Panda Cloud? Why don't need updates? These are two of the most interesting questions to discover. Broadly speaking, Panda Cloud is a dependent of Internet antivirus and whenever analysis is conducted, is connected to the collective cloud of Panda Security to "contrast" data (protects against malware of all kinds, even exploits). The advantage is the Save pending updates, the negligible impact on performance and a powerful and very updated detection; the handicap, that the effectiveness of the application decreases significantly (although the anti-virus maintains a cache) without an Internet connection. Personally, I remember the last time that I was offline, or for few minutes was not. Also, without the Internet the risk of infection disappears or boils down to the end, so that the handicap is not much (always depending on circumstances).


The more important question here is, how efficient is the system of Panda Cloud? The best thing in these cases--not to say the only thing that can be done - usually legit independent experts and prestigious Virus Bulletin or the aforementioned AV-Test:

Panda Cloud Antivirus, certified by ICSA Labs
Panda Cloud Antivirus is the best free antivirus according to AV-Test
Panda Cloud Antivirus obtains the seal Advanced Plus from AV-Comparatives
Panda Cloud, only free antivirus in obtaining Advanced + in disinfection of malware
Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro get Virus Bulletin VB100 certification
Panda Cloud Antivirus Free get the VB100 certification from Virus Bulletin on Windows 8

The test, of course, passes with note. Panda Cloud stands out for its efficiency by detecting and disinfecting malware, something that also makes quickly, without disrupting the user experience on the machine that is running. The latter only feels - or feel, better said - using the application, I'm still working normally, with several heavy applications open, and the impact on the performance of the computer is undetectable. Not the case with other antivirus, the truth. As I have said, after Microsoft Security Essentials, there is nothing lighter than Panda Cloud Antivirus.

After overcoming with note two factors key - detection / disinfection and performance - when considering to Panda Cloud Antivirus as the ideal candidate - or one of them - to protect your PC, is time management and options of the application itself. And we must again refer to Microsoft Security Essentials / Microsoft Windows Defender, is after this simplest thing between the antivirus on first line. At least at first glance.

Between the free version, Panda Cloud Antivirus Free, and payment, Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro, obviously, there are differences. As differences there are in the needs and tastes of users: some prefer thousand features and options to set up other simplicity and conciseness.

Click below for Download


  1. I will try and give feedback. . . i love Techno World

    1. Thanx you very much .. it's my pleasure


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