Wednesday 31 July 2013

DWR-921, d-Link router with 4G connectivity as 4th Generation Technology

DWR-921, d-Link router with 4G connectivity

4G technology is just taking its first steps, but are have had that chance to try it few doubts about the revolution might be. With up to 10 times higher than 3G speed, we have a serious alternative to traditional ADSL in terms of performance, we can also use anywhere.

In this sense, the new D-Link DWR-921 is emerging as one of the first alternatives to share our connection 4G at home or in the Office of an easy, efficient and safe. Equipped with four Ethernet LAN ports and connectivity WiFi 802.11 n, this neutral router works by dual-band and incorporates technological arsenal that characterizes to the high end of the company.

Thanks to a slot for SIM card 3 G / 4 G, it can be used with a mobile data service. In addition, includes failover function, a system that automatically activates the connection to mobile networks when there are problems with ADSL, something very interesting for companies and professionals who need to be always connected.

With regard to security, in addition to the advantages inherent to manage our connection with a router to use, technologies are like a double firewall or encryption for WiFi networks, which prevent the possibility of intrusion and ensure total privacy in our communications between devices.

The new D-Link DWR-921 4G is now available at all authorized distributors for a preferred price of 239 euros. We hope that the operators decide to expand the download limit and improve the quality of coverage in the coming months to help final takeoff of the 4 G as an alternative. 

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