Wednesday 12 June 2013

TeamViewer releases app for Windows Phone 8 Download Team viewer from Main Team viewer site by navigation

It has just announced the availability of TeamViewer for Windows Phone 8. We are talking about software cross-platform remote access and online meetings, which now extends its range to the Microsoft Mobile operating system with over a hundred million users around the world.

Application of TeamViewer for Windows Phone 8 has been designed according to the style marked by the user interface Modern UI (Metro) and by the reviews and ratings has been harvested in one day since its launch, it seems that things have been done well. Its features include:

Multiple movements for precise and intuitive remote control: pinch to zoom, two finger scrolling, drag & drop, among others.

Ability to use commands in Windows 8 during remote sessions with computers with Windows 8: open access side bar, access to the function of CTRL, among others.
Integration of computers and contacts list: allows you to view the status of connection of the contacts and connect with them through shortcuts.
Simple restart: possibility to restart computers or remote servers from any location.
Multi-monitor: simple exchange between different screens when the remote user uses more than one monitor.
Secure connection: encoding of the 256 Bit AES and 1024 RSA key exchange session Bit for higher safety standards.

TeamViewer for Windows Phone 8 is available in the Microsoft app store for "free for users in a non-commercial environment".

This content is completely from Main Teamviewer site : » 

Price and Availability
TeamViewer 8 is now available for Windows, Mac and Linux at: / download .
TeamViewer is available through a single payment without additional costs. TeamViewer has a price system 'all inclusive' and the addition of new components to the program does not require the acquisition of new licenses. The only cost of professional license for the complete solution, with support and minor updates, is from the $ 749 (499 Euros).
The Management Console TeamViewer 8 is a unique feature of the Premium and Corporate license.
TeamViewer is free for download by users and for non-commercial use.

TeamViewer offers a full encryption based on the exchange of public / private key RSA and AES 256 bit encryption.This technology is based on the same standards as https / SSL and is considered completely safe by today's standards. The key exchange also ensures full protection to communications between clients, since Viewer routing servers are not capable of reading the data flow therethrough.

About TeamViewer

TeamViewer GmbH, founded in 2005, specializes in the development and distribution of high-end solutions for communication and collaboration in real time. Available in over 30 languages, TeamViewer is one of the remote control software solutions and meetings world's most popular online. More information:
TeamViewer GmbH
Kuhnbergstr. 16
73037 Goeppingen


All images have print quality. If you require other formats or images, please contact us.
Main window of TeamViewer remote control 8Main window of TeamViewer remote control 8

Download: win-mainwindow.png
Main window of TeamViewer August meetingMain window of TeamViewer August meeting

Download: win-mainwindow-meeting-es.png
Remote controling a computer via laptopRemote controling a computer via laptop

Download: teamviewer8-laptop-computer-connection.jpg
Remote controling a laptop via tabletRemote controling a laptop via tablet

Download: teamviewer8-tablet-laptop-connection.jpg
Remote controling a laptop via tabletRemote controling a laptop via tablet

Download: teamviewer8-tablet-laptop-connection2.jpg
Window of TeamViewer Management Console user managementWindow of TeamViewer Management Console user management

Download: management-console-user-management.jpg
Window of TeamViewer Management Console computer and contactsWindow of TeamViewer Management Console computer and contacts

Download: management-console-computers-and-contacts.jpg
Window of TeamViewer Management Console connection reportWindow of TeamViewer Management Console connection report

Download: management-console-connection-report.jpg
TeamViewer websiteTeamViewer website
(Homepage) Download: teamviewer_website_es.jpg

TeamViewerTeamViewer Free

Download: teamviewer_logo.jpg

The new Management Console TeamViewer 8 provides capabilities in the cloud, to manage IT support teams

Goeppingen, Germany, December 4, 2012. TeamViewer, one of the providers of remote control software and presentations by world's most popular Internet, announces the availability of TeamViewer 8. The awaited new version of the application, extend its functions to customer service and provides increased performance in both remote support activities, such as online meetings. TeamViewer 8 also incorporates a new Management Console: A tool for cloud-based management and especially designed for the needs in a corporate environment, focusing on accountability and strict safety guidelines, in which you also need central control TeamViewer user accounts.
The Management Console TeamViewer 8 opens up new possibilities for IT support teams in both small as well as large companies. Among its most important features are its intuitive user management, report all support sessions and connections performed through the browser with a single mouse click.

Intuitive user management
The Management Console TeamViewer 8 offers a new set of capabilities for managing users. All employees of the company who are using TeamViewer to provide IT support, can be managed and controlled centrally through a Web interface. Among its features are:
  • The ability to create a company profile for managing all IT support team
  • The ability to create, add or disable TeamViewer accounts of employees who are dedicated to the support
  • The possibility that all members of the support team to access key customer information anytime, from anywhere, thanks to the groups listed in Computers & Shared Contacts
  • The facility to create writable and shared group reading
  • The ability to define access rights within the TeamViewer Management Console (for example, set who can view reports of connections)
Reports connection for all sessions
With TeamViewer 8, all data from beginning and end of the connections made by the IT support team of an organization can be stored automatically, regardless of whether these links have been carried out since computers Windows ®, Mac ® or Linux ®, via interfaces or from smartphones. Improvements in this area are:
  • A new feature for entering comments, with which users can annotate immediately after each support session, ensuring proper documentation of remote services.
  • The reports and comments incorporated make billing easier and more understandable for all involved support professionals.
Connections with a single click and across browsers
The Management Console TeamViewer 8 provides greater flexibility for IT support teams. These professionals also:
  • They will always handy authentication credentials (ID and passwords) from users computers and most important, thanks to the ability to access their accounts anytime TeamViewer from anywhere, via interfaces.
  • They can also initiate remote connections using the Management Console through a browser, with a single click.
Also, TeamViewer 8 offers a wide set of new business tools, aimed at both professional remote support, and users of online meeting solution. Key improvements in this area, including the ability to transfer control of a remote support session to another expert, a local printing documents from remote computer or advanced integration with Microsoft Outlook, providing convenience for users in virtual meetings . Major advances in this field are:
  • Session Transfer: the remote sessions can be passed easily and 'on the fly' from one expert to another.
  • Remote Printing: Remote printing facilities, for example, for printing in the office a document stored on a personal computer, we have left at home.
  • TeamViewer advanced integration in Microsoft Outlook to schedule meetings easily online that will be done with the application, directly from the Microsoft email program. The meeting details are now stored in the Outlook calendar.
  • Sound transmission in remote and real-time video to a local device. Video transmission is a feature that is only available in connections through licensing.
  • An improved recording session: now, sound and video can easily record to document any interaction.
"Business users and IT managers increasingly need management capabilities and better control of software they use in their day to day," explains Managing Director of TeamViewer, Holger Felgner. "TeamViewer 8 offers precisely these capabilities by extending its range of possibilities now include not only new tools useful as recording sessions and Outlook integration, but also a new Cloud component that administrators can use to target their access and support tasks at any time and from any place. "

Support for Windows 8
TeamViewer 8 supports Windows 8. The application supports Windows 8 specific commands on a remote computer (for example, your charm bars) directly from the toolbar on the remote control window. Touchscreens users also experience usability Windows Viewer 8 with the help of modern multi-touch transmission.

Retina Support for Mac users
The user interface of TeamViewer 8 now also supports the Retina display, allowing to reach a picture 'crystal' in the Mac Book Pro

New remote access 24/7 for Linux computers
TeamViewer 8 offers a new service system functionality for Linux computers. With this application, Linux computers are remotely accessible 24/7, including actions logon, logoff and reboot command, which makes TeamViewer 8 perfect tool for server maintenance and computer access for employees to use for work, in their homes.

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