Monday 27 May 2013

Microsoft's windows 8 highlite description with comparring to apple officially itseems

Microsoft teases iPad in his latest campaign ad Microsoft has just officially launched a new advertising campaign where clearly mocked the few advantages it can bring to the consumer an iPad with a tablet with Windows 8. The Redmond-based company we are getting used in recent months to campaign criticism against competition but at the same time truly original as well, opening a new Microsoft advertising battle against Apple.

With the slogan "less talk, more work" the new Microsoft spot shows a parody of the television campaign that Apple launched globally earlier this year on the occasion of the launch of the new iPad mini, where you can see as the Siri of the Apple device begins to return negative responses to the actions of the consumerall this while Microsoft shows all the advantages that it supposed to face the end user have a tablet with Windows 8.

It seems that this new announcement from Microsoft is the lead-in to a new advertising campaign of high level where criticize the Apple brand, as if they did with Google, Scroogled campaign. Remember that Microsoft launched Scroogled at the end of last year to extol honest product searches for the season of Christmas shopping through Bing.

Mike Nichols, Corporate Vice President of Bing, was presented this campaign which was intended to alert of what Google has done recently in its search results from Christmas.

Instead of displaying the most relevant search results for consumers, Google Shopping decided to display prominently the products that have paid to advertise. Traders could literally pay to display their product offerings above others in the compass of Google section, even though they are more expensive or lower quality for the consumer.

According to Microsoft, this was not right, was a hoax. It is not what consumers expect to get when they carry out searches and could lead to a general confusion preventing consumers the best products, whether they have paid or not see Google. Scroogled campaign followed over time criticizing aspects such as the lack of security in the Google Play Store and doesn't seem that you have even finished this war against androids.

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