Saturday 18 May 2013

Google I/O 's information for their development in Android with new Steps

we already have new version of Android, but not as expected: ( says by Google )

Everyone is talking about it: the new version of Android is the great missing of Google I/O, which was held this week. Everyone wanted a new version, with its associated dessert and your new number. Some said it would be 5.0, others who would not, which would be in 4.3. So the disappointment of many was when the opening conference was completed and no one Google made any mention of a new version of Android... would sure?

Because although it doesn't come with a little number on the side, it is safe to say that the Android operating system coming out of Google I/O is not is the same as that entered, and that is for the large number of new features for developers who were announced, most of them relating to Google Play Services. And thanks to this change of philosophy, it is possible that Google is taking great Android fragmentation problem by the horns.

So far, every time Google presented a new version of Android with fanfare, with many new features, and most of them incompatible with the old way of doing things. That is what caused the fragmentation in the Android market, since the creators of apps were (and are) that if you want to take advantage of a new feature in the system your program only be compatible with a very limited range of devices, with which potential sales will be much lower than if it is compatible with all models. 

And this is where comes into Play Services, the way in which developers can access APIs and Google services. The great advantage of Play Services is that it is compatible with any Android device from version 2.2, so all the innovations that are implemented will be accessible for the vast majority of Android users. With one blow, the fragmentation is removed. Why Google I/O talks have focused on offer new ways to take advantage of the libraries and APIs for Android and Play Services to developers and designers. A good example of this is Play Games, the video games platform recently implemented by Google, and is accessible by all creators of games without forcing the user to do anything.

And it is not the only new service. Since Google Music All Access to Hangouts, passing through the new version of Google Maps, the I/o have presented one enough news to stay happy for a time, without need to update our device.

This does not mean that Android 4.3 will not show ever, of course. There are still many new features (like Bluetooth 4 and its energy-saving) requiring a complete upgrade of the system to be exploited, and we are sure that that soon after Google announced its departure. But for now, they have fulfilled their promise of making an event oriented to developers, giving them new toys that stuff without the drawback of reducing the Park's users.

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