Tuesday 9 April 2013

Kawasaki Ninja 300 a small detail view of new model.

If you're honest you already know that buying a Kawasaki Ninja 300R or other similar motorcycle and then only riding it around town is a bit of a waste. We are not saying that it cannot be done, but we are saying that there is more you can do with a powerful motorcycle than just that and so we think you should work towards expanding your horizon.

Go touring. The thing about bigger, more powerful motorcycles like the Kawasaki Ninja 300 partly comes from its 170kmph top speed. Motorcycles with high top speeds feel great at highway speeds. If the bike is capable of, say, 200kmph, then at a steady 120kmph, it is functioning at just over half its performance potential. Which means the engine, even high revving ones, will feel unstressed, the chassis feedback will tell that the limit is far away and so on. And this is extremely useful when you are in the saddle for a long time on a tour. It reduces the stress of the hours of riding, it calms your brain down and it allows you the mental bandwidth to actually see the world that you're passing through.

So pack your bags, India has no dearth of great riding roads and head out. Motorcycles like the Kawasaki Ninja 300 are meant to be ridden.

Go to the track. The other thing about a sportsbike is that they are the sharpest honed motorcycles, designed to go and handle as well as possible. And usually their performance envelops are so big that the only way to get a sense of what all they are capable of is to go to a track. OVERDRIVE has tested the Kawasaki Ninja 250R at the track before and it is a wonderful track motorcycle. And we anticipate that the Kawasaki Ninja 300 will be more of the same.

Track time is easy. Chennai and Buddh both run track days now and that is the cheap and expensive way to get on track, respectively. For a more focussed experience and abundant track time, go to Kari Speedway near Coimbatore with Indimotard for a fun weekend with relatively small numbers of motorcycles on track.

And racetracks also offer you the opportunity to learn mo about riding bikes fast. This is something we would recommend to everyone, no matter what bike you have. And again, India finally has options. The big name school is the California Superbike School which is held in January every year. It is expensive to attend but the quality of instruction and attention you get makes it well worth the expense and effort. It gets sold out pretty quick, so email the school today. The alternative is the Indimotard TWO Track School which OVERDRIVE is associated with. This is based at the Kari Speedway, takes place four to six weekends a year and is an affordable, fun school that will help you improve rapidly.  

Source by Overdrive.

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