Saturday 9 March 2013


This is a common problem which maximum internet users face. Few years back i used to have a very slow internet connection where i felt so irritating watching videos on you tube as it buffers for a long time. Many readers even asked me about this. So, as i search a lot for new stuff i finally found a wonderful solution which brings an end to all these problems. I want make this trick a public as many internet users like me get benefit and can enjoy the you tube videos without buffering.

 Now, coming to the actual point. The main question many people have in there mind is that how to watch you tube videos without buffering with slow net connection ? For this we have simple trick before that as we know you tube is a video's sharing site when millions of videos will be uploaded and watched by visitors. It provides its service to the registered as well as non registered users its mean the videos are completely public and can be viewed without any cost.

Just follow the below steps for the solution :

The buffering can be stopped by using “YouTube feather beta” .
By using this, it disables all the button the you tube like share button, add to or the like button etc.
Even the suggested videos towards the right side will not be loaded completely.
To activate this on your browser just go to : and click on the Join the "Feather" Beta.
Once you complete this now you can view the you tube videos without buffering

Any futher queries please feel free to comment below


  1. it is asking to install the plug inns

    1. What type of Plugin is it Asking ..> and give me some information about your Browser ... and Network like details ..< so i do can help you more to solve that issue.

  2. Thanks for your Viewing to this page .. dude .. and sorry that was years before post .. i may not guarantee you whether it works or not ..>


Thanx for all your Feedback .... and don't post to promote your site's ...

I kept the option as Comment moderation mode. So if you try to promote your site from here.. I do delete your comment's ..