Tuesday 5 March 2013

Samsung Galaxy S-IV a small review by source of New York

Things like this make product launches all the more exciting; yes, they are bluffing you when they say things like “Best thing since colour TV”, but you know that they are aware of their awesomeness even if some aren’t.

Wait, what is the “this” being spoken about, you might be wondering? No doubt about it; indeed, I am speaking about the Samsung Galaxy S IV. Samsung has tied up with some advertiser, bringing us an advertisement that is broken into parts.

While Apple fans are trolling the comments boxes of all the sites that have taken the honor of bringing the news to readers, there are Samsung fans who have repeated the magic word “it’s coming” many times over. On the other hand the, the business fraternity must have brought back their lost smirks, because this volcano is still to erupt. The video teaser ends with the words “to be continued…” and so you can expect some more videos soon.

The entire film revolves around the mystery of the contents of a box that young Jeremy Maxwell receives after signing a paper, but he has a hard time not keeping it a secret. Obviously, the box contains a 4.99 inch full HD display phone, with: a screen resolution measuring 1920 x 1080 pixels; a 13 megapixel camera at the back and a 2.1 megapixel camera in front; a Exynos 5 Octa chipset that has a 8-core CPU (4x Cortex-A15, 4x Cortex-A7).

I may be wrong; however, the only hint that we have that hints at the S IV is the poster in the background that reads: “Be Ready 4 the Next Galaxy”. Actually, everyone has been interpreting the advertisement in their own way; it’s really for you to take a look and laugh its absurdity or croon at the possibilities.

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