Friday 8 March 2013

How to Get Twitter Followers with Vine – the 6 Second Video Wonder

We all know that Twitter was up to something when they grew silent for a few months. There was no news on any upgrades or acquisitions. In fact, it was Facebook that made the noise about privacy updates and other features they were cooking up to secure their business partners.

But suddenly Twitter took the stage introducing a revolutionary way of using video to capture audience interest. The Vine is a stand-alone video app that paves the way for new and exciting way to utilize video into showing people a 6-second snippet of somebody else’s life.

Do you know how else this video app can help the online community – especially the marketers? It gives them the advantage of branding that has a higher propensity to stick to the minds of viewers.
But the most beneficial gain that this Vine brings is its strong pull to the Twitter community, which translates to getting Twitter followers.

So how do you utilize Vine to get Twitter followers?

Product Demonstrations

Indeed, no one say that product demos should be a minute long or worse. Creating a 6-second video to demonstrate new features entices curiosity and wonder. It compels the viewer to check out the product or the particular feature showcased on the video. Won’t that be an awesome way to drive traffic to your website or video? Not to mention, you’ll get a lot of curious followers of followers following you. Whew! That’s a lot of follows.
The disadvantage, however, is on the likelihood that your product is so complicated a minute wouldn't be enough, how much more 6 seconds?

Event Teasers or Sneak Peek

Tweeting something like, “Watch out for the greatest fashion show on Earth!” doesn’t seem to cut it nowadays. People seem to have immunity against hyperbole and other superlatives to any event announcements. Why? It’s because everybody is doing it, even to the most useless and boring events.

With Twitter, you can never tell whether these organizations are telling the truth until you click on the link and arrive at an all white-splashed cyber wall of micro-texts and hideous photos. Vine can ease the burden from tweeters’ shoulders as well as provide your events the right kind of exposure they are due.

Contest and Promotions

Holding a contest is easy but getting people to join is not. You can barely nudge these tweeters to spare a few seconds of their time to sign up and do what you want them to do. But given the right tool, the fun and the incentives, who can resist right?

Using Vine for personal consumption is already fun, how much more when you get to win something out of doing the thing you love – Vineying (excuse me, if I call it that). Twitter users who learn of your contest, will not hesitate to follow you for a chance to join your contest. It would also fire up their creativity and would provide you a host of Vine videos for product promotions.

Vine is a smart acquisition of Twitter up to par with Facebook’s Instagram. It provides a unique way for companies to brand and other ingenious ways to pursue marketing and lead generation, which of course starts with getting Twitter followers.

Are you using Vine? If yes, for what purpose?

Feel free to drop a comment, if you can think of something to add in using Vine to get Twitter followers.

Auther : H@R!


  1. I also appreciate its very good integration
    with Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare and even i - Tunes for
    purchasing music. Actually, there's some more and it has something to do with the app's
    social aspect. The single most important thing you can do to gain followers is to make sure that everything you share brings something of
    value to your followers. I admit when I first created a Tumblr account, I
    was confused and overwhelmed, just like you are the first time you log on to any new site that you aren't familiar with. Some users are also being sent an e-mail in regards to this matter according to The Examiner stating their identification was not accepted forcing users to upload even more personal information to the social networking giant. This is a brilliant way to incorporate a time-tested concept of showing in-app advertising.

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  2. This is an excellent post providing detailed information about how to get vine followers and how to use them for business.


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