Thursday 10 January 2013

First time Look of Almost of all popular sites in internet are Facebook,Google,Yahoo ...e.t.c

                                so Friends today I am great full to show you the Following Websites which are most  popular in present Scenario. And you all will already know about this sites , when you going to access Internet you all going to use or look or know about these site's.

                                But as the technology is Updating more and more ultra changes came to here and they make a great change in your usage. just think once how much of time is used for internet in 90's and by comparing that a main reason is Update. so I want you all to send Back once.

                              Maximum of you all know these Sites. while you accessing INTERNET . Today i am taking you back to the some of following important site's First Look and their First released Look with out any upgrade. they are 
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Yahoo
  • Amazon
  • Blogger
  • YouTube
  • BBC
  • Dell
  • Apple
  • MSN
  • Skype
  • New York times  .......   (e.t.c )

Facebook    Launched --2004   February

 Google      Launched -- 1998  September   4

Twitter    Launched -- 2006  March  21

Kaspersky   Launched -- 1997 

Dell    Launched -- 1984  may 01

BBC     Launched -- 1997

Wikipedia    Launched -- 2001  January  15

 Apple     Launched -- 1997  November  10

World Wide Web    Launched -- 1990 

 Flickr     Launched -- 2004 

Amazon   Launched -- 1994

Blogger     Launched  --  1993  June 14

MSN    Launched  -- 1995  August  24 

Skype      Launched -- 2003  August 

You Tube      Launched --  2005  February  14

Yahoo     launched --  1995  March 01

The New York Times       Launched -- 1995

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Thanx for all your Feedback .... and don't post to promote your site's ...

I kept the option as Comment moderation mode. So if you try to promote your site from here.. I do delete your comment's ..