Sunday 16 December 2012

How to Display 100 Google Search results in one Page

Hi all,
Today's article is about Google, this is rolling a huge part in internet. Google gives us many products and services. In this one of the most important service is Google search.

Google search is the most using Google service by internet addicters. This service helps us in various situations. For example, if you get an assignment from your college, you'll go to Google search for references. Like this, Google search helps us in many situations.

How to Display 100 Google Search Results in Single Page
If you search something in Google search, normally it will show you up to 10 results in one page. If you want more info about that particular search, you should go to the 2nd page. Today we will see how to display 100 Google search result in single page. This will save your valuable time and also make your work more easy.

How to display 100 Google search results in single page.

Go to Google search page and search for something and then go to Search Settings

How to Display 100 Google Search Results in Single Page

How to Display 100 Google Search Results in Single Page

Now put a tick on Never show instant results under Google Instant predictions

How to Display 100 Google Search Results in Single Page

After that Drag the result button to 100 and Save Settings.

How to Display 100 Google Search Results in Single Page

That's all. Now if you search something in Google, it will display you 100 search result in single page.

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